Photo Source: University of Washington

Silver Spring, MD July 2021:

IBSS was awarded a task with NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) Environmental Fisheries Science Division (EFS) Marine Microbes and Toxins (MMT) Program to help assess disease and biosecurity impacts related to the government’s two new Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (AOAs) in the Pacific Northwest region. 

AOAs are geographic areas the Federal government has identified as potentially suitable for commercial aquaculture. IBSS will support NOAA’s Fisheries Service in helping minimize negative impacts to NOAA-trust resources and promote sustainable growth of aquaculture, reduce user conflicts, and maximize public input in the AOA identification process.

Our work will include:

  • Acquiring scientific information in the topical areas of disease and biosecurity to support production of programmatic Environmental Impact Statements (pEIS)
  • Updating aquatic animal health plans
  • Providing advice for seafood trade biosecurity
  • Developing an international trade strategy to improve technical barriers to US exports, including biosecurity of seafood products

As a trusted NOAA partner for over 20 years, IBSS looks forward to our continued delivery of innovative science-meets-technology solutions that forward the NOAA mission and make NOAA’s science matter to constituents both at home and abroad.