Contract Number: 693KA9-22-A-00355
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The FAA eFAST (Electronic Federal Aviation Administration Accelerated and Simplified Tasks) contracting vehicle (IDIQ) is designed to streamline the procurement process for small business contracts within the FAA. It supports a variety of contract types, including Firm-Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursable, Time and Materials, and Labor Hour, among others.  

IBSS has performed consistently and effectively on the eight eFAST functional areas including 130 prime contracts and task orders (TOs) with 100% positive CPARS. We apply our externally certified/accredited ISO 9001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, and CMMI-SVC/ML3 processes to deliver high quality, leading-edge scientific and IT solutions to our customers to effectively advance their mission objectives. Our ISO and CMMI processes are the foundations of our program management, task order management, and quality assurance processes.